Tag Archives: innovative

Synopsis for my new screenplay


After a month of trying to figure out what kind of story I can come up with based on comas and comedy, I have managed to create a good storyline for a screenplay I’m working on called Comaworld.


Although it’s not finished, I have had it copyrighted so sorry if you’re a producer and you’re about to read the following synopsis and planning on stealing it- bad luck.

Here is the rough storyline but no spoilers:

Craig, an 18 year old, sixth former finds himself in a coma after being hit by a car whilst trying to catch a bus he was late for. He finds he can exit his body whilst in the coma and essentially be invisible. For him this means he can do whatever he pleases. While using his situation to his advantage by pranking, cheating and stealing he notices that some people are able to see him. After realising that he is stuck in a world for people in comas, he befriends a group of people who save his life. He notices that every so often, members of the group disappear. He overhears a conversation between his parents and is doctor talking about how they are going to turn his machine off. He must find a way to wake himself up or face being sent to ghostworld, a world which he will rot if he doesn’t wake up.

The idea of a coma world first began when I was walking home with my best mate and we were talking about how cool it would be if when you were in a coma you could hear everything going on around you. This then led to us debating about how scary and frustrating it would be to then hear you’re parents talk about turning your life support machine off.

Since that conversation I tried to come up with unique ideas to form a feasible storyline that has those two main points in them. And so Comaworld was born.

Please feel free to comment with feedback or judgement. Follow also. Thank you.